Three Distractions That Keep You From Starting a Business

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Focus is a rare trait these days. With the constant barrage of social media notifications, pings and buzzes from phones, it’s quite difficult to stay put in one task even for a good, solid minute.

For starting entrepreneurs, however, tech is just one source of distraction. If you’re not watchful of the following “attention hogs,” you could be killing your business even before it starts.


Many starting entrepreneurs equate busyness to productivity, thinking that as long as they’re doing something, they’re poised for growth. But doing too many things can also be distractions keeping you from making much impact. You could be spending hours and hours drafting your business plan for a hotdog restaurant, but never really breaking ground.

To overcome this distraction, you need to identify the small steps that will bridge your current situation with your goal of starting a business. With this, you’ll be able to direct your time and energy to things that matter most. You may be tired at the end of the day, but you’d feel fulfilled that you’re one step closer to finally realizing your dream business.

Consider franchising if you really want to go into the food service industry. You’ll be able to take advantage of their franchisee training, which would equip you better in keeping you focused. Try out a popular American hot dog franchise when exploring opportunities.

People’s Opinions

At the beginning of your venture, you’d hear a lot of people saying how impossible your business idea is, or how you’ll fail horribly. Some would aim to remind you of how risky the industry is. Others are just out there to discourage you. Either way, if you keep entertaining these distractions, there’s a chance that you won’t bother exploring the business you want anymore.

For sure, you’ve heard about the most common advice when avoiding distractions: turn off the background noise. That’s what you want to do here. People’s beliefs about you and your business are just background noise. You know what you want. You’re fully aware of the risks and the possibility of failure. But you have the support of people who believe in you. Learn to filter people’s opinions, and shake off those that don’t contribute to your growth.

Success Envy

Woman using phone

Because of social media, it’s easy to take a peek of what happens to other people’s lives. It’s good because you want to stay updated on your friends. But it could also be bad at times, as it could trigger success envy.

When someone posts about a financial milestone, say, a new investment or a business partnership, it can’t be helped to feel a little jealous. Sometimes, you’d even question your own business decisions, especially if you’re not seeing any results yet. Most entrepreneurs tend to leave opportunities they’ve already been working on to try new trends. This behavior is so common, that people already labelled it the “shiny object” syndrome.

To overcome this distraction, you have to realize two things. One, each person’s success timeline is unique. You and your friend aren’t the same, so don’t compare your success to theirs. Two, just because an idea worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for you (and vice versa). So, don’t abandon what you’ve started. See it through and make it a reality before exploring another opportunity.

Distractions are the number one enemy of starting entrepreneurs. As you go on your venture, keep an eye on what consumes your time and energy apart from your business. They could be killing your business faster than you’re able to establish it.

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