Spring cleaning is a time-honoured tradition of banishing away the
winter blues and giving your home a fresh new start. According to
Encyclopedia Britannica, in times past, the coming of spring signalled a welcome opportunity for
people to make their dingy homes fresh again. On the first warm and dry
day of the season, everybody in the family would arm themselves with
brooms, mops and dusters to sweep, scrub and wash every nook and cranny
of their house.
Today, the thought of taking an entire day or weekend to clean the house seems like a daunting task. To make the job easier and help you keep on track, here’s a spring cleaning checklist of the major areas to tackle.
- Wipe Down Cabinets
With a damp rag, clean off any stains or dust on the outside and inside of cabinet doors, as well as the sides and the top of the cabinets. Be sure to always wring your rag well before wiping so you don’t smear the dirt on the next surface. After cleaning, dry the surface quickly with a paper towel.
- Defrost your fridge
Take all of the food items out and remove food debris from the inside. Start from the top and work your way down. Be sure to check the expiration dates when you put the food items back and throw away anything that’s past its prime. Remember to wipe down the door of the fridge and disinfect the door handles.
- Organise your pantry
Organise your pantry items according to their purpose. For example, you can place all baking ingredients inside a clear bin instead of stacking them on a shelf or spreading them throughout the pantry. That way, when you’re ready to bake cupcakes or cookies, all of the ingredients are easy to find. You can also use clear containers or racks to separate snacks from breakfast items and dinner ingredients.
- Wash all of your bedding
Wash all of your bedding, including duvet covers, pillow covers, shams and bed skirts. If some of the items are too large to fit in your washing machine, take them to the dry cleaners or a launderette.
- Dust and vacuum
Dust neglected surfaces such as headboards, ceiling fans and windows. If you have drapes, you can launder them too. Be careful with wiping off ceiling fans as dust can fall all over the place. When you vacuum or mop under furniture, pay extra attention to baseboards and corners. Also, if you use heat pumps, have them serviced to ensure that the filters are clean and not clogged.
Living room
- Clean your electronics
Your electronics, such as the TV remote have germs because of all the hands that touch them. Give your electronics a good wipe, including your TV screens, laptops and DVD players. Wipe them down with a kitchen towel or a microfibre cloth.
- Dust your décor
Brush or wipe away dust from all of your picture frames, clocks and other knick-knacks. Depending on how many decorative objects you have in your living room, this might be the most time-consuming activity, but worth it in the end.

As the dry and cold season turns into spring showers, it’s time to refresh your home. Focus your attention on one area or room at a time, tidying and de-cluttering before giving the space a thorough clean from top to bottom. If you’re running short on time, turn it into a family affair so that you will all live in a clean and happy home when spring comes.