6 Clever Ways to Decorate Your Outdoor Space

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The first thing a visitor sees when they pull up on your driveway is your outdoor space, so it needs some TLC as well. It’s easy and cheap to decorate your outdoor space, more so the patio. You just need to be creative and take advantage of what you already have. Here are clever ways on how you can transform your boring patio space to make a lasting impression:

Decorate your garden

Don’t leave your garden bare. Decorate it a bit by using recycled materials, such as glass, painted wood blocks, or a variety of rocks. Dial up any landscaping rock delivery in Utah and they will be glad to bring a couple of them at an affordable cost. You can also create a fairy garden right next to your patio; your kids would definitely love to be part of such a project.

Hang lights and lanterns

Who said lights are for indoors only? Make a statement with beautiful, handcrafted hanging lanterns. Stuff in some candles and light them up at night. They can instantly add some wow glow to your patio. If your patio is sheltered, you can also hang decorative lights. You can use your festive lights that are stashed in your garage.

Hang potted plants

You can never go wrong with plants, so why not go all out. Get plants of all sizes, but not so huge because they might fall down on someone’s head. Use baskets or decorative flower pots. You can also incorporate vertical plants to add more twist.

Replace the furniture

Patio table and chairs

The type of furniture on your patio will set the ambiance. Go for furniture made of natural materials like wood and sisal. The more natural it is, the more stylish it will look. Also, opt for earthy colors, as they work best for outdoors. Throw in some colorful throw pillows and snugly blankets or shawls for warmth.

Another great idea is to turn old crates into seats. If you have none, you can buy and screw in some corner braces and make cushions for more comfort. Don’t forget to treat them so they’ll be stronger from outdoor elements. The crates can also be turned into tables.

Zone up your outdoor space

If you have a large space, you can divide it into different zones serving different functions. Have an area for eating where you have a dining table and a grilling station. You can then have another area for just relaxing and another for entertaining your visitors. In fact, you can even have an area just for kids.

Decorate the walls

If your patio is attached right to your house, make the most of the wall space and decorate it. You can put up wall hangings if your patio has a roof, for instance. You can also decorate with a vertical garden or any hanging elements you can find. Just don’t leave the wall bare.

Your outdoor space should be an extension of your indoors, so it’s okay to bring some of your indoor items out. Let your patio be a reflection of your style and make it as personalized as you can. You can DIY most of the items.

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