Legal Advice

Relationship Red Flags

Relationship Red Flags: How to Tell if Your Marriage is Failing

The worst part about a marriage that’s falling apart is that it happens gradually without either of you noticing or acknowledging it. As long as nothing too severe is happening, couples just brush their issues off. But the sooner you see the problem in an unhealthy marriage, the quicker you can take action. You can

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Keep calm and stay informed on your rights when thrown in jail

Wrongful convictions are more common than you would like to think. A recent study conducted in the United States involving different legal practitioners who were asked to estimate the recurrence of a miscarriage of justice admitted that approximately 10,000 false arrests were made each year – and the number was expected to grow. Most cases

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car accident

Ways to Improve Your Recovery Time After a Car Accident

Even if you are the most responsible driver in Denver, negligence of other people on the road can make you a victim of a traumatic car accident. After you survived, you may have to deal with several challenges, such as physical injuries, financial trouble, legal battle, and mental stress. The severity of every injury varies,

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torn piece of paper with divorce text and paper couple figures

What Happens to Retirement Benefits in a Divorce?

In many jurisdictions, pension, social security, and retirement benefits accrued during marriage are considered marital property. So, if a couple divorces, these benefits will be treated like any other marital asset and will be distributed fairly between the couple unless there is a postnuptial or prenuptial agreement in play. The distribution of a pension or

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Singel father taking care of his daughter

Single Parent Pointers: How To Survive and Thrive While Raising Your Children

Parenthood is a huge challenge in itself for couples, but for single parents, it can be a whole different difficulty level. But that shouldn’t dissuade you, but it’s best to be prepared for the challenges of single parenthood. Whichever circumstances have led you to raise the child on your own shouldn’t be the focus; starting

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From Mediation to Patents: Lawyers Can Do It All

Lawyers serve essential functions in society. One of their responsibilities is to carry out their role as officers of the law. For clients, that means informing them of their legal rights and reconciling their interests with the other party. As a neutral mediator, lawyers provide the information and guidance that competing parties need to arrive

From Mediation to Patents: Lawyers Can Do It All Read More »

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