Nailing Your Pizza Business: 5 Marketing Tips to Getting More Orders

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As small a pizzeria owner, there’s a lot on your shoulders. You have to make sure that you satisfy each customer, have something new to offer, and be one step ahead of your competitors.

There are a lot of things you can do to nail your pizza business, but before anything else, you need to focus on the most important factor — getting people to know what you sell. How do you do just that? Through effective marketing. Here are some strategies you could follow:

1. Hire a professional photographer

Entice them with mouthwatering pictures. Don’t you agree that a crunchy crust with cheese sends the message home? In psychological marketing, they teach that our eyes are our biggest digestive organs. Some people order food (or put food on their plate) that’s more than enough for them.

Thanks to social media, potential consumers are now absorbing more multimedia content. Keep them engaged on these digital channels. Facebook analytics reveal that good quality images receive higher engagements than conventional text posts. Pro tip: Never use stock photography. Customers will be disappointed when their goods aren’t as advertised.

Conduct a brainstorming session with a professional photographer. Let your creative juices flow. Think of shots that will evoke a pizza craving. Look at some of the big players in the industry and learn a thing or two from their strategies.

2. Sell by the slice

Customers have different tastes and preferences. Sometimes, they want a slice of everything — from BBQ to Hawaiian. You’re here to profit. Which one’s better, selling a slice or selling nothing at all? Think of those walk-in customers looking for a quick lunchtime snack. Chances are they won’t eat a small sized pizza (10 inches) on their own. However, they’ll be glad to grab a slice or two. Install a huge “pizza by slice” board next to your premise. You will surely see them trickling in.

people enjoying pizza

3. Combo packages

Learn to upsell and offer enticing packages. More often than not, pizzeria owners report that customers come in groups. Have combo packages based on group sizes. Unlike other snacks, pizza tastes better when shared. Perhaps you could serve a large pizza with two liters of cola. Make the most of movie nights and weekend family outs by offering competitive packages. Combo deals are a win-win. You get to make bulk sales while the customer gets more bang for their buck.

4. Nothing beats word of mouth marketing

Entice them to spread the love. Set up coupons and loyalty programs where new customers get exclusive packages. Keep things simple. Perhaps you could set up a “Buy Two, Get One” offer. Do the math first to ensure that you’re getting a markup.

5. Set up an online profile

Your pizza business is missing out if they can’t make orders from home. Consult a local search engine optimization (SEO) agency and they will guide on the best way forward. At this time and age, many people rely on online directories. Ensure that you’re in all of them. Bonus: Almost all directories allow uploading pictures. Stand out from the crowd by sharing photos of your pizza offerings.

The fast food industry is a well-paying one, so it’s no surprise that there’s a cut-throat competition. It’s survival for the fittest where the bigger hotel chains are eating up the larger portion of the pie. What is your business doing to stand out? Follow these tips and you will surely see positive progress.

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