Rules of Rebranding: Three Things You Shouldn’t Overlook

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Rebranding breathes new life into an otherwise outdated and unimpressive business image. Consumers are continuously evolving, and rebranding enables you to stay relevant and interesting to the new generation of shoppers in Utah.

While rebranding is an exciting time for a company, you might overlook certain aspects that could put you in hot water in the future. So, here’s a list of things that you should pay attention to when revamping your brand.

Create a Simpler But More Flexible Logo

If you look at images of businesses from the early 1900s, you’ll notice that most logos were nothing but the name of the business. As more brands took off the ground, however, competition grew tougher, and people used logos to stand out. As a result, they adopted clunky, kitschy, maximalist logos.

During the 2010s, ornate and embellished logos went out of favor, and minimalism became the new trend. Businesses changed their logos into flat blocks of color with a serif text. Case in point: the transformation of the Google logo.

To keep up with the times, choose a simpler design. Not only does it look neater and more modern, but it’s also more flexible when designing marketing materials. Business cards, posters, and websites are independent projects, and your logo should look good and recognizable in each one.

You also want a logo that ages well — something that can still reflect your brand after a decade. Something that can fit in both your outdoor signs and SEO efforts in Utah. This is the logo that your company will grow with.

Remember Your Existing Customers

people walking inside the mall

During rebranding, some businesses become too busy chasing after new customers that they forget their existing ones. If the rebranding is too much and too sudden, your existing customers might feel left out and alienated.

So, it pays to stay true to your brand’s mission and vision — why the business was put up in the first place and the direction it’s heading.

Your mission statement should remain at the heart of rebranding. It reminds the audience that this is the same company they know and trust, just with a better brand identity. Continue providing the same excellent products and accommodating customer service.

Check Trademark Issues

You don’t want to put time, money, and effort into creating a brand, only to be sued for trademark infringement. Not only will you face sanctions, but you might also lose your right to use the design you’ve worked hard for.

Before you unveil your rebranding, consult a legal professional to help you check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System.

An attorney can also help you secure trademark properties, which include domain names, social media handles, and other things associated with your trademark. They’ll also guide you in the trademark application, so you have the peace of mind that you’ve dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s.

Your rebranding gives your target demographic a fresh perspective of your business, and a feat like this requires a huge amount of effort. If you do your part and exercise due diligence, your company will enjoy a modern and trusted brand image for years to come.

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